With consumers now habitually viewing content across multiple screens and platforms in a variety of ways - live streaming, “bingeing” and downloading - conventional ratings and panel-based measurement tools just aren’t providing media companies and content producers with an accurate picture of what shows, and genres are resonating with viewers in Latin America.
Our newest Board Director Adriana Cisneros, CEO of Cisneros, Board Director Bruce Tuchman and Parrot Analytics CEO Wared Seger took part in a special NATPE panel on audience demand measurement in the Latin American market. The panel was moderated by Elizabeth Guider, Senior Contributing Editor at World Screen News.
Download our NATPE presentation to learn about:
By establishing a new standard in measuring global TV audience demand for content, media companies, producers and distributors can now be armed with Parrot Analytics demand data that can improve the way they make buying, selling, marketing and development decisions.
If you have not yet seen the video of our recent NATPE panel, you may watch it below: